Garrison Leykam Earns Industry Gold-Standard Career Coaching Credential


For more information, contact:
Garrison Leykam, MA, PhD, CPCC
Garrison Leykam, LLC


Farmington, July 24, 2017: Career coach Garrison Leykam is well-equipped to help job seekers in today’s competitive, challenging, and ever-changing employment market. Leykam, of Garrison Leykam, LLC, has recently completed the Certified Professional Career Coach program (CPCC) ( earning the CPCC credential, enhancing his professional expertise and contributions to the career coaching industry.

Individuals who hold the CPCC span a wide range of professionals from the career services industry and include independent and organizational career coaches, career counselors (and Social Work professionals and PhDs), military and government career transition specialists, university and college career services professionals, résumé writers, outplacement professionals, human resources and organizational development professionals, staffing and workforce management professionals including one-stop centers, recruiters, executive coaches, company managers, and others who work in the career services industry from across the globe.

To earn the CPCC, Leykam completed a comprehensive training/coaching program that provided solid tools for career management and job search coaching in today’s employment market, and submitted a testing portfolio that included documented coaching hours. Obtaining the CPCC credential, Leykam has demonstrated a high level of commitment and expertise to the career coaching profession.

According to Leykam, author of DESIGN YOU: Creating Your Most Authentic Life Using the Principles of Industrial Design, “I help boomers live audaciously. I am the go-to guy for that special generation of individuals born between the years 1946 and 1964 who have a burning desire to realize their dreams and find meaning in their lives. I help them design their life, rather than resign it.”

Leykam, whose career includes senior positions in major corporations, record producer, radio and TV host, performer, stand-up comedian, author and international motorcyclist, is passionate about helping others reach their full potential and live careers that are meaningful and rewarding. Leykam’s DESIGN YOU career coaching program gives clients the map, tools, resources and confidence to make their second act better than their first. He guides clients at each and every step of their reinvention to evaluate, plan, test and experience a brand new life.

The Certified Professional Career Coach program by the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Career Coaches (PARW/CC) ( ), the career service industry’s longest-standing association is directed by Diane Hudson, a multi-credentialed, award-winning career coach and professional résumé writer, and book author. The CPCC program was designed to coach the participants, engaging them in the coaching exercises, before they coach their clients. The CPCC program includes six modules focused on Long-Term Career Management, Diane’s Whole-Person Theory, Workforce Management, Traditional & Social Media Job Search, Interviewing, and more, continuing to set industry standards and pioneer beyond the frontiers of the known job search realm. Leykam joins the high ranks of Certified Professional Career Coaches (CPCCs) from around the globe.

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