Category Archives: AI

Unlocking Insights: Survey Reveals Physician Burnout and Hope in Healthcare Technology

Concerning findings from the recent athenahealth Physician Sentiment Survey, conducted by The Harris Poll and analyzed by Jean Borgman: almost all U.S. physicians (93%) report feeling burned out regularly, with many contemplating career changes due to excessive administrative burdens and other challenges in healthcare. Continue reading Unlocking Insights: Survey Reveals Physician Burnout and Hope in Healthcare Technology

Tips and Caveats for using ChatGPT to Write Your Resume

In the era of technological marvels, the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has ignited a wave of excitement and curiosity. Prominent AI models like ChatGPT have been making headlines, leaving many individuals eager to harness their potential. One common question that continues to circulate is whether AI, such as ChatGPT, can serve as the ultimate solution for crafting an impeccable resume. The answer, while not straightforward, holds the promise of revolutionizing how we approach resume writing. Let’s delve into the tips and caveats of using ChatGPT to craft your resume, shedding light on the powerful assistance it can provide while navigating the nuances that require human touch and discernment. Continue reading Tips and Caveats for using ChatGPT to Write Your Resume

Navigating a Fulfilling Career Change in Midlife: Your Guide to Success

Each year, millions of people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s face a pivotal crossroads in their careers. They might have been laid off, realized their current path no longer fulfills them, or simply decided it’s time for something new. This stage of life brings unique challenges and opportunities for career reinvention. Continue reading Navigating a Fulfilling Career Change in Midlife: Your Guide to Success


Are you navigating the competitive job market and seeking to harness the power of AI to supercharge your job search and career in 2024? Look no further! I’ve compiled for you a comprehensive guide to AI tools and ChatGPT prompts tailored for job seekers. From crafting professional resumes to acing interviews, these resources will give you the edge you need. Continue reading THE 2024 CHATGPT CHEAT SHEET FOR JOB SEEKERS

Unveiling the Triumphs of AI-Driven Startup Success Stories

In the dynamic landscape of entrepreneurship, AI-driven startups are shining brightly as pioneers of innovation. These successful ventures are not merely businesses; they are exemplars of how technology, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), can fuel remarkable achievements. Let’s delve into the remarkable world of AI-driven startup success stories, shedding light on their achievements and the inspiration they offer. Continue reading Unveiling the Triumphs of AI-Driven Startup Success Stories