Category Archives: Personal Brand

Creating Your Personal Brand on Social Media: Step 4

Your passions are what motivate you in determining how you want to spend your time.

  • What makes you get up early or spend hours thinking about doing?
  • What gets you talking enthusiastically with your family and friends?
  • What do you most enjoy doing?

Continue reading Creating Your Personal Brand on Social Media: Step 4

Creating Your Personal Brand on Social Media: Step 3

Your values are core principles that not only give meaning to your life but they serve as a guide to get you back on track when you veer off course. They determine your attitudes, choices, and actions. Getting clarity around what your values is key to determining how you present yourself and your career brand on social media for recruiters, hiring managers, prospective employers, and the world to see. Continue reading Creating Your Personal Brand on Social Media: Step 3

Creating Your Personal Brand on Social Media: Step 2

The next step in the personal branding process is to determine your vision and purpose, both for you as a person as well as a professional. It requires knowing who you are and what you want
from your life. This can be the toughest part of the branding process. Continue reading Creating Your Personal Brand on Social Media: Step 2

Creating Your Personal Brand on Social Media: Step 1

The cornerstone of an effective job search is your resume and  LinkedIn Profile. But your overall social media presence conveys to  prospective employers a much bigger picture of you. Your personal brand comprises your reputation and professional qualities that differentiate you from other candidates and people in your field. Continue reading Creating Your Personal Brand on Social Media: Step 1