Tag Archives: #LinkedInProfile

LinkedIn Helps You Account for Employment Gaps

According to LinkedIn, “79% of hiring managers today would hire a candidate with a career gap on their resume.” However, do not interpret that to mean a prospective employer is not going to want to know why.  To give you an edge, LinkedIn has added a new feature that allows its members to address career gaps right on their LinkedIn profile. Here is how: Continue reading LinkedIn Helps You Account for Employment Gaps

LinkedIn Profile Advice from 1944: Location, Location, Location

Harold Samuel coined the phrase “Location, location, location” in 1944 when he founded Land Securities, one of the United Kingdom’s largest property companies. In 2021, his quote is as valid today when it comes to being found and searchable on your LinkedIn Profile. Continue reading LinkedIn Profile Advice from 1944: Location, Location, Location

Top Ten 2020 LinkedIn Changes for your 2021 Career Branding

1. Record a 10-second message next to your Profile name to create audio appeal. This feature is especially beneficial for your Profile visitors if you have a hard-to-pronounce name.

2. The new “Dwell Time” method of classifying content and algorithm weighting based on time actually engaged on content can give you 48+ hours for your thought leadership content to gain new traction and visibility.

3. Combine Dwell Time with the autonomous post tool to build engagement and feedback on your topics.

4. Set-up video networking meetings and informational interviews directly in Messages on mobile with Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Verizon. Continue reading Top Ten 2020 LinkedIn Changes for your 2021 Career Branding


Narrative psychology, a term was introduced by Theodore R. Sarbin in Narrative Psychology: The Storied Nature of Human Conduct , investigates the value of stories and storytelling in giving meaning to individuals’ experiences. It’s an especially relevant topic for job seekers, especially late blooming career changers, when it comes to writing your summary for your LinkedIn About section. According to legendary film professor Howard Suber, “You seek your destiny; you succumb to your fate. Destiny originates within the self; fate comes from outside. Fate is the force that lies beyond individual will and control; it pushes you from behind. Destiny is the attracting force in front of you that acts like a magnet and that you choose to acquire.” Controlling your career destiny should shape the story you tell in your LinkedIn Profile About section. Continue reading NARRATIVE PSYCHOLOGY AND YOUR LINKEDIN CAREER STORY